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Wednesday, September 30, 2015

David Niven is TCM's Star of the Month- October 2015

Let's delve into bits of trivia about TCM's Star of the Month for October 2015 - David Niven.

October 12, 1939 - Ed Sullivan for The Pittsburgh Press is thoroughly charmed by the young actor from Scotland. Recounts some of Niven's fascinating past, as many reporters  would enjoy doing throughout the actor's life.

July 10, 1944 - The Milwaukee Journal recalls an earlier interview with Niven, a liaison officer, in Normandy just before the invasion. Of the troops near a shattered French village in the background, the actor says, "It doesn't look too different from a Hollywood set...," then he moved toward the battle front.

Jan 9, 1955 -  TV producer Niven states that, "The laugh track is the single greatest affront to public intelligence I know of, and it will never be foisted on any audience of a show I have some say about."

Feb 2, 1955 - Niven explains why his Four Star Playhouse company is run by only three stars - Niven, Charles Boyer and Dick Powell.

June 30, 1963 - The Gadsden Times tells the story of Niven pulling out his cutoff shirttails during an interview in Italy and deems him "filmdom's most unpredictable actor." The article goes on to tell Niven's life story.

Jan 27, 1972  - The Associated Press gives a rave review of Niven's autobiography The Moon's a Balloon, praising it for giving equal time to non-Hollywood aspects of his life.

August 11, 1975 - Niven returns to the big screen after a 7 year absence. His first Disney film breaks the sabbatical - No Deposit, No Return. Says the actor, "I wouldn't work at all, except that I need a bit of scratch to support my style of living - it's ridiculous to have two houses."

August 22, 1982 -  Impressionist Rich Little is called in to finish David Niven's voiceover work for Trail of the Pink Panther, because of  "trouble Niven has been having with his voice."

July 29, 1983 - David Niven gives the thumbs up sign before dying.

January 1, 1984 -  Thomas Hutchinson’s book NIVEN'S HOLLYWOOD is released to the public. In the book, the author quotes David Niven, Jr.,

“As a father he [David Niven] showed no favoritism and was always there whenever we needed him. He never insisted we be ‘the best’ only to do ‘our best.’ He instilled in us the value of family unity, the importance of loyalty, humility and honesty. He loved us very much and I only hope we gave him as much love and pleasure as he gave us.”

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