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Wednesday, May 06, 2015

The Orson Welles Centenary

May 6, 2015 is Orson Welles' 100th birthday. Let us revisit the life of this enormously talented director, actor and producer with bits of trivia.


  • February 8, 1940 - The Milwaukee Journal reports that the citizens of Kenosha, WI dislike a magazine portrayal of their native son, Orson Welles. The piece shows him as extravagant and spoiled, but  Kenoshians set the record straight.

  • May 1985 - Bob Thomas catches up with the filmmaker for his birthday. The star isn't talking to press but his companion does. The article describes Welles' projects, including the status of The Other Side of the Wind, and Welles' method of dieting, which includes having someone taste fatty foods and describe them to him.

  • October 10, 1985 - Orson Welles dies. It's a huge front page news event.

  • October 15, 1985 - The last appearance of Welles on film airs. The star introduces a noir episode of the TV show, "Moonlighting," starring Bruce Willis.

  • Orson Welles' last, unfinished film, The Other Side of the Wind,  which was slated to be released on  the director's centenary (May 6, 2015), is still in production, according to Wellesnet. There is a funding issue which still needs sorting. The film, shot in the 1970s and starring any number of celebrities, including Natalie Wood, follows the decay of Hollywood.


"I passionately hate the idea of being with it; I think an artist has always to be out of step with his time."

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