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Friday, March 06, 2015

Do You Collect Movie Memorabilia?

Recently, a friend of Joan Crawford gave away some of his correspondence with the legendary star as a treat for the rest of us in the Crawford group. His generosity was sparked by the knowledge that his most treasured missives are framed and displayed on his wall, the rest are packed away.

Deciding that the stored letters needed good homes, the movie star's friend gave away 15 of the precious memorabilia for Valentines Day 2015.

The lot did not fall in Java's favor, but the very idea of owning even a tangential piece of movie history is exciting. This opens up a different world that yours truly has not bothered exploring beyond the museums - collecting movie memorabilia.

Do you collect movie memorabilia? 


  1. We most certainly do! In fact, we enjoyed collecting movie stills so much that we made it our business ( eBay business that is ). One of these days I would like to collect props - small props - from films but at the moment I do not have the time or space to store them.

    1. Metzinger Sisters, that's a problem of mine when it comes to memorabilia - space.

      And my own need constantly to purge something in my house, lest I feel as if I'm living in a museum. But I have seen homes of film fans that are very tastefully done. A few treasured, original posters or lobby cards framed and displayed, so that every morning you wake up to beauty with your breakfast...

      But if any of them should become damaged, I'd go nuts! Maybe I shouldn't have priceless artifacts in my house.

      I think the closest I'll get is having a classic movie garden - a James Mason rose here, a Lucille Ball flower there... someday.


Thanks for your contribution to Java's Journey.