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Wednesday, October 02, 2013

It Started With a Kiss (1959) - A Risqué Comedy with Debbie Reynolds

Debbie Reynolds was (and is) one of America's cinematic sweethearts.  By the late 1950s, the actor was growing out of her ingenue roles. However, these characterizations of the Singin' in the Rain (1952) star  -demure, child-like, your kid sister- were an asset as she transitioned into more mature or wilder roles.

It is because Ms. Reynolds' persona is associated with innocence that the audience has empathy for, say, her role as the nasty, unforgiving and selfish tough gal Peggy in The Rat Race (1960). You develop a protective feeling toward that character who lashes out because she is suffering on the streets of New York.

Our juvenile star also transitioned smoothly into adult roles with comedies, making risque subjects funny and almost "family friendly." Today's movie is a case in point- It Started With a Kiss (1959).

Maggie Putnam (Reynolds) hastily marries an Air Force Sergeant - Joe Fitzpatrick (Glenn Ford)- and almost immediately regrets it. Maggie does not know whether they married for love or for that kiss which started the whole thing. Plus, they disagree on finances. Thus, Maggie puts her husband in the friend zone (!) for a while until she sorts herself out. All this while deployed to beautiful, romantic Spain.

Separate rooms, Joe.
Only Glenn Ford's sad eyes and anguished broken voice can convey the agony this wife has put on the guy.

Add to this romantic comedy a futuristic, red convertible that the couple cannot afford,
 an amorous toreador (Gustavo Rojo)

and an eager baroness (Eva Gabor) and things become even more complicated.

Joe's confrontations with the bullfighter over Maggie are hilariously tense.
It's a will-they-won't-they with a married couple who has just agreed to have a platonic relationship. This is fairly risqué stuff...sort of.  And with Debbie Reynolds, it's kinda cute.

By the way, there is also a certain someone of TV fame who snoops around making everyone's lives miserable. 

Aunt Bea?


  1. Oh, if I was only a Reynolds or Ford fan! This one actually looks like fun. Perhaps one day. : )

    Thanks for making me aware of it with your fun screen grabs.

    See ya soon, Java.

  2. I never used to be a Glenn Ford fan, but he's really grown on me over the years. I think he'd be terrific in this little-known gem.

    Good observations re: Debbie Reynolds. So true!


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