The More The Merrier (1943) is a light comedy about a young Washington D.C. resident named Connie Milligan (Jean Arthur) who helps out the war-time housing shortage by subletting one half of her apartment to retired businessman Benjamin Dingle (Charles Coburn) who sublets half of his half to young Joe Carter (Joel McCrea).
Dingle plays cupid to the two young people, who exasperate each other, as comedy film couples often do.
- This film is considered director George Stevens' last credited comedy before traveling to war-torn Europe, a trip which forever altered the tone of his films to more sombre story lines.
- Charles Coburn won the Oscar™ for Best Supporting Actor for his role as Dingle.
- This film was remade in 1966 as Walk, Don't Run, with Cary Grant, Samantha Eggar and Jim Hutton.
TCM will show The More The Merrier (1943) Sunday March 8 at 10am EST.
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