Classic Movie Glossary

The following terms are coined by Java's Journey, unless otherwise indicated.

Mankiewicz Moment
The point in time in which one identifies the brilliance of a movie or part of a movie long after having seen it. Named for director, screenwriter, and producer Joseph L. Mankiewicz whose intricate and clever movie plots bear repeat viewings. Coined by Java Bean Rush in October 2012Antonym: Icebox Moment

Perfume Movies
A sub-genre of “women‘s pictures." Perfume movies are tear-jerking soap operas characterized by an angst-ridden woman who must overcome improbable odds while looking glamorous. Coined by Java Bean Rush in July 2010.

Sit-Com Movie
Post-World War II films set in suburbia that are reminiscent of the lightweight, suburban situation comedies that would air on television in the mid-to late 20th century. The plot often involves a father who works outside of suburbia, a mother who stays home, children who learn important life lessons and a pet. Then something changes the normal routine. This is usually played for laughs. See also, "Suburban Drama." Coined by Java's Journey in September 2015.

Suburban Drama
When Hollywood presents a story set in post-World War II suburbia - a picture of an idyllic world- then reveals a terrible secret, tempts a suburbanite to break the law or marriage vows, brings in an untrustworthy character to stir the plot or otherwise disturbs the normal routine.This is usually played with gravitas. See also, "Sit-Com Movie." Coined by Java's Journey in November 2013.


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"Java's Journey: A really fun, informative well-written blog that explores all of the things - and I mean all - I love about classic films."-- Flick Chick of A Person In The Dark Email:


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